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Student Survey Sample
Are you comfortable talking about your background and cultural experiences with fellow students?
Do you feel as though you are recognized equally in the classroom?
I feel the institution identifies the need to support students of color?
Students of color disciplined more than majority counterparts?
Can you voice a contrary opinion without fear of negative consequences?
My teacher handle diversity-matters appropriately?
My teacher demonstrates a commitment to diversity and inclusion in the classroom?
I have a good relationship with classmates who have different ethnicities?
Have teachers made any remarks about culture, race or gender which made you uncomfortable?
How do you feel about school?
How would you describe your physical health?
How would you describe your emotional and mental health?
The quality and amount of sleep I get on an average night is enough to leave me feeling rested and alert the next day.
I have the coping tools I need to manage my stress at its current level.
I have the coping tools I need to manage my stress when my stress level is high.
There is at least one teacher or other adult at my school that really cares about me.
There are students at my school that I can talk to if I need help on things like homework, class assignments, or projects.
There are students at my school I can talk to if I’m struggling with personal or emotional issues.
I can talk to my teachers openly and freely to get the help I need.
Most students at my school help each other when they are hurt or upset.
The majority of the schoolwork I am assigned is meaningful and important.
I am able to manage my schoolwork and still maintain balance in my life.
Thinking of the past 30 days, how much of the time would you describe yourself as a happy person?
Thinking of the past 30 days, how much of the time have you experienced anxiety, worries or fears that get in the way of your daily activities?
Thinking of the past 30 days, how much of the time have you felt depressed, sad, or withdrawn?
How often do you feel very stressed (more than usual) during the school year?
What contributes to your stress? Check all that apply:
During the past 30 days, which of the following substances have you used, if any? Check all that apply:
I feel welcome and accepted in the St. Mark’s community.
I would encourage someone like me to attend St. Mark's.
I would feel comfortable telling a trusted adult at school if I saw another student breaking our code of conduct (cheating, stealing, bullying another student, etc.)
Are there trusted adults at school who can help you with emotional or social concerns?
How comfortable are you accessing confidential resources (like the counselors in the Counseling Office or other trusted adults) at school to get support for your emotional well-being?
How comfortable are you asking for help from trusted adults at school (like teachers or the counselors in the Counseling Office) around bullying and/or discrimination?
We say a student is being bullied when another student or several other students:

Often bullying is related to someone’s race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, appearance or household income.


When we talk about bullying, these events happen more than just once, and it is difficult for the student being bullied to defend himself. We do not call it bullying when teasing is done in a friendly or playful way. Also, it is not considered bullying when two students of about equal popularity, influence or strength are in conflict.

With this definition of bullying in mind, how frequently did you personally experience bullying in the last school year?
We say a student is being bullied when another student or several other students:
Please indicate below which of the following best describes what happened in the incident(s) when you experienced bullying. (Check all that apply.)
Please check all the locations where the bullying took place:
Did you tell any of the following people about what happened? (Check all that apply.)
If you didn’t tell a trusted adult at school, what kept you from getting help? (Check all that apply)
Have you experienced someone making unwanted or derogatory comments and/or gestures or treating you unfairly related to your race at school?
Have you experienced someone making unwanted or derogatory comments and/or gestures related to your sexual orientation, gender or sexual identity?
Have you experienced someone making unwanted or derogatory comments and/or gestures or treating you unfairly related to your household income level?
Please indicate below which of the following best describes what happened in the incident(s) when you experienced derogatory comments or gestures or unfair treatment for any of the reasons above. (Check all that apply.)
Who made the unwanted or derogatory comments or gestures or unfair treatment? (Check all that apply)
If a teacher or another adult at school witnessed this event, did they intervene or do anything to stop it or make it better?
How do you usually react if you see or learn that another student your age is being bullied or discriminated against? (Check all that apply)
When teachers are aware of bullying, I believe that they want to do what they can to stop it.
Do you feel as though you are recognized equally in the classroom?
Do you feel the institution identifies the need to support students of color?
Are students of color disciplined more than majority counterparts?
Can you voice a contrary opinion without fear of negative consequences?
Does your teacher handle diversity-matters appropriately?
Does your teacher demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion in the classroom?
Do you have a good relationship with classmates who have different ethnicities?
Have teachers made any remarks about culture, race or gender which made you uncomfortable?

Thanks for submitting!

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